Monday, 27 August 2012

A teeny-tiny story

As promised, part two of my illusration bender-

"The teeny-tiny,
story of Azralina"

Saturday, 25 August 2012

The Adventures of Haffy

My sister and I finally combined forces.
She wrote, I drew, and we created two books for two very special friends 21st's.

First up,
"The Adventures of Haffy"

Saturday, 18 August 2012


So I found these really cool inks in some gross trunk under some things that my mother has started to horde in the garage- not cool, but we're dealing with it.  Done in a desperate attempt to put off doing actual work that counts for actual marks at the hell hole that is Centlivres Building (archi lingo)
It was like striking oil during a recession.
Experimentation time yes? 

            This is a very overdue gift for a friend who is inlove with horses. Like, proper in love.